Exclusive Offers


Exclusive Offers to Elevate Your Resort Experience

Special savings and added value with our exclusive offers, designed to enhance your stay at our resort. Whether you’re looking to indulge in a wellness journey, celebrate a special occasion, or simply unwind, these limited-time deals provide the perfect opportunity to make the most of your retreat.

Early Bird Special: 20% Discount

Book your retreat before March 1st and receive an exclusive 20% discount on all packages. Whether it's a wellness escape or a celebration experience, secure your spot early and save big. Don’t miss out—plan ahead and make 2025 your year of rejuvenation!

Group Getaway Deal: 15% Off for 4+ Guests

Gather your friends or family for an unforgettable experience. Book a retreat for four or more guests and enjoy 15% off your total package. Perfect for a wellness escape or a special celebration—create memories together and save.

Stay Longer, Save More

Extend your stay and enjoy extra savings! Book a 7-night package and get an additional 10% off your total price. Whether you’re enjoying yoga, surfing, or indulging in spa treatments, the longer you stay, the more you save! Take advantage of this exclusive offer for relaxation and wellness!

Complimentary Spa Treatment with Any Wellness Package

Enjoy a complimentary spa treatment when you book any wellness package at Angkor Grace. Relax, rejuvenate, and restore in our serene sanctuary. Designed to enhance your relaxation and well-being.

Exclusive Surf & Yoga Combo Deal

Book our Surf & Yoga Retreat and get an extra private surf lesson at no additional cost. Perfect for those looking to enhance their surfing skills while enjoying daily yoga sessions by the beach. This offer is designed to help you achieve balance and strength, both on and off the waves.

Book Five Rooms, Get a Free Surf Lesson!

Book five separate rooms at Casa Swell and enjoy a complimentary surf lesson for one person in your group! When five individuals book their own accommodations, one of them will receive a free surf lesson to experience the thrill of surfing in Santa Teresa.

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